Used Pianos
Roby's has used pianos available from trade-ins and private purchases. The listings below are completed (or short lead time) pianos available in a few weeks. We also have used stock for major rebuilding we could prepare for future delivery. Usual terms are shop tuned and delivered to a first-floor location within a 1 hour radius from our shop. We need a helper to unload. Benches are sometimes included as noted. Some used benches as well as new benches are in stock.
Our pianos are usually "reconditioned and regulated". That means we take them apart and clean them, then make necessary repairs to original parts and mechanically adjust them (regulate) for correct operation. Many used pianos have had little more than tuning. This results in inconsistent performance from note to note, notes that do not work, clicks, and rattles, poor tone, poor control, and no power. Reconditioning and regulation restores the mechanical performance to the best possible for the given piano. Frequently we have to make soundboard and bridge repairs to correct problems with tone distortion and rattles. Sometimes pianos have loose tuning pins which must be addressed.
Sometimes we sell pianos "used and as-is". These pianos are serviceable as starter instruments, but for various reasons we choose not to make further investments in the piano. Often, nearly new pianos are still in good shape and can be sold as-is.
Sorry, Roby's does not sell "gray market" used pianos. "Gray market" pianos are pianos designed for and sold in other countries, frequently Asian countries, where the humidity is much higher and does not vary with the seasons as it does here in New England. Then as used instruments they are imported into the US market where in New England they experience large seasonal swings in humidity. Often the manufacturers cannot offer parts and/or do not want to hear about problems in pianos not designed and manufactured for our variable northern climate.
Our Used Pianos
Samick SU 127

Reconditioned and regulated. Comes with bench. Sold new in 1987.
Comes with bench.
Upright 50"
brown oak satin
Samick JS-115

Action good as is. Sold new in 2005. Great finish.
Comes with bench.
brown oak satin
Samick JS-115

Action good as is, sold new in 2005.
Some touch ups in finish. Comes with bench.
cherry satin
Astin Weight Console

Reconditioned and regulated.
Comes with bench.
41.25" tall
oiled oak

As is. Comes with bench.
Mason & Hamlin 50

Reconditioned and regulated. Matching bench.
50" tall
walnut satin
Samick JS121-M

Action in good regulation, as is. Matching bench.
48" tall
ebony satin

To be re-strung completely & action to be reconditioned & regulated, new natural keytops 20 years ago. 4 months lead time to do work.
original mahogany finish
Stroud Duo-Art

Built in 1916, this piano has a new pin block.
The soundboard has been repaired and refinished, plate refinished, restrung, new dampers, piano action reconditioned and regulated, and new natural and sharp keytops. The reproducing mechanism professionally rebuilt.
electric motor is original. The mahogany case has been stripped and refinished with a premium, gain-filled, hand rubbed lacquer finish. Comes with original matching bench.
mahogany case
Cable Nelson

Manufactured in 1917. This pianos is to be restored for the discriminating customer on special order.
Restoration to include epoxy repair of loose bridge pins and minor split bridge, restringing
with all new strings and oversize pins in original block. New natural and sharp keytops, re-bush keys, restore dampers with new action cloth and damper felt. Restore wippens with new back check felt and new sticker cloth.
Test and re-glue any jack part problems; replace let off buttons; replace hammer rest rail cloth, replace key-frame felt, install new hammer butts, shanks, and flanges.
Also included is complete action, key, and damper regulation.
Case will be refinished with an open grain light brown oak finish, satin sheen. Shop tuned, delivered locally to first floor location, and home tuning within 6 months.
Deposit of $500 down with final order to proceed. Balance due on delivery. Financing available.